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Welcome to St. Stephen's Conservation Area, Hounslow


St. Stephen's Conservation Area is one of only three in Central Hounslow. It was awarded its conservation area status by Hounslow Council in 1987. 

St. Stephen's Road and the surrounding streets [Angelfield, Argyle Road, Parkside Road and The Avenue], represents one of the best preserved and complete late Victorian streets within the Borough by the architect W Hanley. The original 1880 layout of St. Stephen's Road and the building plots are still recognizable.  The historic buildings within the Conservation Area illustrate a full range of Victorian building materials used in a variety of ways, sizes and styles to create an attractive and leafy residential area around the Church. 


There are also several examples of Edwardian, interwar and post war architecture which complement the original domestic dwellings. Original garden spaces to the front and sides of properties also form an integral part of the character and its proportions.


Consequently, these should not be viewed as a space appropriate for building development or as ‘brown field sites’.​​​​

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